Friday 4 April 2014

Butterfly, Caterpillar and Insect Discovery Time

Today in Discovery, all of the Busy Bees worked together to make things to do with butterflies, caterpillars and insects. Many children were making these out of the collage materials. Here is what Valerie did today:

Thursday 3 April 2014

Quality Work

By Anthony

Flower Power (Thursday)

We've been a bit behind lately, but we remembered to give out the flower this week. Leanna got it because when a new student came to our class today, she put her hand up to offer to show her around. What a great friend you are Leanna! Way to Work with Others and Listen with Empathy!

Quality Work

By Kalolo

Wednesday 2 April 2014


Last Friday we went to our cultural groups again. Mr Davidson is in the Pasifika group and he took some videos of the song and the sasa we're learning. Have a look at how good we've become. We have a guitar and a drum playing with us!

Quality Writing

By Nari

By Robbie

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Phonics: Silly Sentences

On Friday, Mr Davidson gave us a silly sentence to write. Lots of us almost got it and four of us didn't make any mistakes:

Maths Work Today!

Today we did lots of fun activities in Maths. The Parrots had to make numbers using sticks. They had to read the words, not the numbers.  Here is what Preses and Vaueli did:

The Finches were learning how to count to 100. Here are videos of Essence and Clover practicing:

(Tuesday) Morning Bar Graph

It's cool putting your pictures on stuff (Detroit). 9 people like scooters (Lucas). 5 people like bikes and shoes (Vaueli, Solomon). Some people like scooters because they are fast to get to school (Robbie). No students like buses or cars (Leanna). One person likes skateboards (Solomon).